Tuesday 4 June 2024
Low oil price

Qatar in talks for sovereign sukuk issue in March

The government of Qatar is in talks with banks about a sovereign sukuk issue, sources aware of the matter said on Monday, as the Gulf nation returns to international debt markets to shore up state finances pressured by low energy prices.


Low oil 'no threat to $1bn Qatar mega mall'

The developer behind the huge shopping mall under construction in Qatar sees no risk to the $1 billion project from the low oil price and expects to have signed up retailers for all the space by the end of the year. Shem Krey, dep


GCC to pursue plan for value-added tax

Officials of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council agreed at the weekend to keep working towards the introduction of a value-added tax around the region, in a sign that low oil prices may be strengthening support for the idea. A


Lower oil prices will blunt drive for fuel efficiency

For a decade, high and rising prices have created a strong incentive to use oil-derived fuels more sparingly. By the end of 2012, efficiency improvements, substitution, and changes in behaviour had cut oil consumption in the advan

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