Tuesday 4 June 2024
Black man

More protests set after police kill black man in California

More protests were planned on Wednesday a day after police officers in El Cajon near San Diego shot and killed an unarmed black man, less than two weeks after similar incidents in two other US cities. In the latest incident, two o


Charlotte police release video of fatal shooting

Charlotte police released two videos on Saturday showing the fatal shooting of a black man that has unleashed days of protests, but the footage failed to settle the central question of whether shooting victim Keith Scott was holding a gun.


US police shoot black man, spur fresh protests

Police in the US city of St Louis fatally shot a black teenager who they say pointed a gun at them on Wednesday and arrested three protesters, recalling racial tensions sparked by the killing of an unarmed African-American teen in nearby Ferguso


Police enforce curfew in Baltimore after riots

Thousands of police in riot gear and National Guard troops patrolled Baltimore to enforce a curfew on Tuesday night, dispersing protesters with pepper spray a day after the city was shaken by the worst rioting in the United States in years.

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