Sunday 2 June 2024

Dubai property sector hits plateau in May

The real estate sector in Dubai, UAE, had witnessed a clear trend of a plateau in residential prices during May, said a report by ValuStrat, a leading consulting firm based in Dubai. The company has been providing advisory, valuat


Quake kills 300 in China’s Tibet region

A magnitude 6.9 earthquake on Wednesday killed about 300 people in the mountainous Tibetan Plateau in southwest China and left more than 8,000 injured as houses, schools and offices collapsed. A series of quakes and aftershocks caused low,


UKS allies with Plateau

Learning solution enabler UKS has partnered with Plateau Systems to deliver talent management solutions. Plateau Systems, a leading provider of software for developing, managing and optimising organisational skills and talent, will help UK


Edutech, Plateau to train Emirates' emloyees

Edutech Middle East announced that the Emirates Group, which operates one of the fastest growing airlines in the world, has selected Plateau’s Learning Management Systems (LMS) to support learning and development for its global workforce.

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