Sunday 2 June 2024

Thaksin sister prepares to lead Thailand

Thai opposition leader Yingluck Shinawatra, a political newcomer, prepared to lead her country after a stunning weekend election victory but huge challenges lie ahead, including how quickly to bring home her brother, exiled ex-premier Thaksin.


Landslide win for Thai opposition in poll

The opposition won Thailand's general election by a landslide on Sunday, exit polls showed, paving the way for Yingluck Shinawatra to become the country's first female prime minister in a victory for a red-shirted political movement.  &n


Edgy Thailand votes in test of stability

Thailand headed to the polls on Sunday in an election that will test whether one of Asia's most promising nations can end a six-year crisis marked by protests and military crackdowns. Opinion polls give a clear lead to the opposition P


Thousands of protesters gather in Bangkok

Tens of thousands of protesters converged in Bangkok on Sunday to give Thailand's military-backed government an ultimatum: either call elections or face more pro-democracy demonstrations over the coming week. About 80,000 red-shirted suppo


Thaksin gets 2 years' jail in land case

Thailand's Supreme Court said on Tuesday in a majority ruling that former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra had violated a conflict of interest law while in office and sentenced him to two years in prison. The nine-member court ruled by fi


Thai ruling party picks Thaksin in-law for PM

Thai ruling party picks Thaksin in-law for PM Thailand's ruling People Power Party (PPP) nominated a brother-in-law of Thaksin Shinawatra as its pick for prime minister on Monday, antagonising protesters who accuse the government of being


Thaksin returns to Thailand to cheers, tears

Ousted Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra made an emotional return from exile on Thursday, swearing to stay out of politics despite a widespread belief he would run the country from behind the scenes. Within minutes of arriving, the te


Pro-Thaksin party looks set to run Thailand

Slowly but it seems surely, the party backing ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is shaping up to form Thailand's next government, a stunning reversal of fortune after last year's military coup. Nobody doubted that the People Power P

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