Saturday 1 June 2024

Taqati signs up BUiD for energy efficiency training programme

Taqati, the dedicated programme management office for the Dubai Demand Side Management (DSM) strategy, has entered into a partnership with the British University in Dubai (BUiD) for the Dubai Energy Efficiency Training Program as part of its m


Taqati signs up BUiD for energy efficiency training programme

Taqati, the dedicated programme management office for the Dubai Demand Side Management (DSM) strategy, has entered into a partnership with the British University in Dubai (BUiD) for the Dubai Energy Efficiency Training Program as part of its m


Taqati signs up BUiD for energy efficiency training programme

Taqati, the dedicated programme management office for the Dubai Demand Side Management (DSM) strategy, has entered into a partnership with the British University in Dubai (BUiD) for the Dubai Energy Efficiency Training Program as part of its m


Awareness 'key to unlocking benefits of energy efficiency'

Awareness enhancement is a key impetus for the achievement of the Dubai Demand Side Management (DSM) targets, said a top government official. Behavioural change is only possible when people and organisations become aware of their


Awareness 'key to unlocking benefits of energy efficiency'

Awareness enhancement is a key impetus for the achievement of the Dubai Demand Side Management (DSM) targets, said a top government official. Behavioural change is only possible when people and organisations become aware of their

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