Sunday 2 June 2024
industrial revolution

4IR will benefit Oman’s economy, says expert

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) offers Oman significant economic and productivity advantages, as well as new jobs, lower prices, more competition and greater product choice for consumers, said an industry expert. “On


UAE best model for 4th industrial revolution, says tech prodigy

The UAE is a unique international model addressing the Fourth Industrial Revolution, through its establishment of the Ministry of Artificial Intelligence and adoption of a national innovation strategy, which aims to create a knowledge-based econ


UAE best model for 4th industrial revolution, says tech prodigy

The UAE is a unique international model addressing the Fourth Industrial Revolution, through its establishment of the Ministry of Artificial Intelligence and adoption of a national innovation strategy, which aims to create a knowledge-based econ


UAE best model for 4th industrial revolution, says tech prodigy

The UAE is a unique international model addressing the Fourth Industrial Revolution, through its establishment of the Ministry of Artificial Intelligence and adoption of a national innovation strategy, which aims to create a knowledge-based econ

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