Sunday 2 June 2024
hala china

Hala China to launch new fashion-centric event

Hala China, a joint initiative between Meraas and Dubai Holding, has announced plans to launch Dubai Fashion Days, a new eight-day event of fashion-centric programming that seeks to spotlight leading talent from the Middle East and China. 


Hala China to kick off Chinese Film Week in Dubai

Hala China, an initiative by Meraas and Dubai Holding, said that the first Chinese Film Week in Dubai will commence on October 1, with a programme that includes the screening of some of China’s most popular blockbusters in Dubai.


Hala China establishes Board of Directors, announces partnerships

The Hala China initiative, jointly launched by Meraas and Dubai Holding earlier this year, has announced the signing of its first strategic agreements at a press conference at Bvlgari Resort Dubai. The event was organised by Meraa

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