Saturday 15 June 2024

Montblanc salutes John F Kennedy

Montblanc launched its new Great Characters Edition commemorating John F Kennedy, one of the most charismatic political figures and a man of extraordinary achievements, at an exclusive diplomats dinner in Abu Dhabi recently. Held


Montblanc salutes John F Kennedy

Montblanc launched its new Great Characters Edition commemorating John F Kennedy, one of the most charismatic political figures and a man of extraordinary achievements, at an exclusive diplomats dinner in Abu Dhabi recently. Held


Edward Kennedy, liberal giant, buried

Senator Edward Kennedy, the liberal champion of the US Senate who carried on the political legacy of his slain brothers, was buried on Saturday after four days of emotional tributes. The man who President Barack Obama called the 'great


US Senator Edward Kennedy dies aged 77

US Senator Edward Kennedy, a towering figure in the Democratic Party who took the helm of one of America's most fabled political families after two older brothers were assassinated, has died at age 77, his family said on Wednesday. 


Kennedy endorses Obama

US Sen Edward Kennedy, a Democratic icon and a leading liberal voice, endorsed Barack Obama on Monday for the party's presidential nomination and called the young lawmaker an inspirational uniter. 'He is tough-minded but he also has an unc

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