Tuesday 4 June 2024
Cadet pilots

Etihad receives 18 Omani cadet pilots

Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, has welcomed 18 Omani cadet pilots to its expanding flying programme as part of a recently launched recruitment drive in Oman. The Etihad Airways cadet pilot programme was l


Etihad’s first Emirati women pilots graduate

The first female Emirati cadet pilots from Etihad Airways, the national carrier of the UAE, have graduated from flight training alongside nine male colleagues and gained their airline transport pilot licence (ATPL). The cadet pilots Etihad


Etihad programme marks 100th cadet pilot

Etihad Airways, the national airline of the UAE, recently welcomed the 100th cadet pilot to its innovative and expanding flying programme. Shareefa Al Bloushi, from Abu Dhabi, is a member of Etihad’s tenth group of cadets which recently st


Book features female Emirati cadet pilots

Etihad Airways' first female Emirati cadet pilots have been featured in a new British book about the world's greatest  women aviators. Salma Mohammed Al-Baloushi from Al Ain and Aisha Hassan Salim Al Mansoori from Khorfakkan are heral


Etihad launches new cadet pilots scheme

Etihad Airways has unveiled a new programme to attract cadet pilots from across the world to join its expanding flying team. The new pilot programme, which follows the Abu Dhabi-based airline’s highly successful Emirati cadet pilot program

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