Saturday 1 June 2024

Bahrain denies secret talks on dollar peg

Bahrain has denied there were secret plans to de-peg from the US dollar. 'The Bahraini dinar will remain pegged to the US dollar as a cornerstone of the Kingdom's financial and banking policies,' Finance Minister Shaikh Ahmed b


Dollar peg served ME well says Paulson

US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said on Saturday the dollar peg for currencies in the Middle East had served those countries well and any changes to the peg would be a sovereign matter. Asked about the dollar peg, Paulson, on a visit t


Dollar peg 'will help Bahrain'

Bahrain's decision to keep the dinar pegged to the US dollar is strategic and beneficiary, finance minister Shaikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa told Shura Council members on Monday. He said inflated prices in the country were not just due

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