Thursday 13 June 2024
oil leak

Oil leak Al-Ahmadi field; no fire

An oil leak at a drilling site in Kuwait's Al-Ahmadi oil field has had no impact on production, a spokesman for Kuwait Oil Company said on Tuesday. The spokesman, Emad Sultan, said in a statement that specialised teams were tr


Saudi stops desalination plant leak

Around 11,000 litres of heavy oil was lost due to a leak in pipelines carrying fuel to water desalination plants in the Saudi port city of Jeddah, a newspaper reported on Saturday. The leak was quickly stopped, Aleqtisadiya newspaper repor


BP rules out seepage link to leak

Energy giant BP said that seepage near its Gulf of Mexico well was unrelated to the massive oil leak that has at least temporarily been capped. "Scientists have concluded that the seep was naturally occurring,” BP spokesman Mark Proegler w


Major oil leak at StatoilHydro north sea field

Norwegian energy group StatoilHydro reported a serious oil leak at its Statfjord oilfield in the North Sea on Saturday and said it evacuated all but emergency workers from platform A. Oil production on the platform had been stopped, it sai

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