Monday 17 June 2024
Leaders Presents

Meba Awards deadline extended

Leaders Presents, the organiser of the Middle East Business Achievement (Meba) Awards, announced that the deadline for submission of entries to the awards programme has been extended to September 10. The unprecedented number of entries pro


MEBA Awards gets 150 nominations

Leaders Presents has received more than 150 nominations from across the region in over 10 categories, for the 2nd Annual Middle East Business Achievement Awards (MEBA). The organisation said the nominations for the awards, which run in par


UAE urged to develop renewable energy

Most regional business leaders believe the UAE should invest in the development of alternative and renewable energy such as solar or wind power, bio-fuels or other sources. About  92 per cent of the business leaders polled i


Innovation forum kicks off in Dubai

Leaders Presents, the team behind Leaders in Dubai, has kicked off their second Management Innovation Forum at the Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai. Carrying the theme ‘Driving Incomparable Profitable Growth through Innovation’ the forum will

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