Sunday 2 June 2024

Greek PM lauds UAE’s 'global maritime milestones'

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras praised the world-class achievements and competitive edge of UAE’s global maritime feats during his visit to Dubai Maritime City Authority’s (DMCA) pavilion at the ongoing ‘Posidonia 2018&rsq


Oman Rail achieves key Mineral Line milestones

Oman Rail has achieved several key project milestones on its Mineral Line railway network with the completion of its concept design, corridor identification, and technical and operational parameters besides acquisition of land for the project, s


Oman Rail achieves key Mineral Line milestones

Oman Rail has achieved several key project milestones on its Mineral Line railway network with the completion of its concept design, corridor identification, and technical and operational parameters besides acquisition of land for the project, s


$13.6bn Culture Village marks key milestones

Dubai Properties said the Dh50 billion ($13.6 billion) Culture Village project has crossed key construction milestones including the completion of 90 per cent of the Dh1 billion infrastructure works. A master real estate developer and a su

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