Sunday 2 June 2024
Arab Journalism Awards

Dubai Press Club announces jury members

Dubai Press Club, organisers of the Arab Journalism Awards (AJA), has announced the names of 60 jury members comprising elite media professionals who have been tasked to evaluate submissions and select winners for the 2012 awards. Shortli


Dubai Press Club announces jury members

Dubai Press Club, organisers of the Arab Journalism Awards (AJA), has announced the names of 60 jury members comprising elite media professionals who have been tasked to evaluate submissions and select winners for the 2012 awards. Shortli


3500 submissions for journalism awards

The Arab Journalism Awards for 2010, the region’s most prestigious media honours, has received more than 3,500 submissions for all 12 categories, representing a 13 per cent increase over the entries received in 2009. “The total number of h


Arab Journalism Awards invites submissions

The general secretariat of the Arab Journalism Awards said it is accepting entries in 12 categories for the eighth edition of the annual event. The deadline for submission to the Awards is January 15, 2009. The region’s most coveted recogn

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