Tuesday 4 June 2024
Rick Beeman

Screen actor training program to start on Feb 28

Bahrain’s first screen actor training program targeted at students of all ages will be launched on February 28, organisers said. The program is expected to generate high interest and spur further development of the film/creative community


Screen actor training program to start on Feb 28

Bahrain’s first screen actor training program targeted at students of all ages will be launched on February 28, organisers said. The program is expected to generate high interest and spur further development of the film/creative community


Hollywood director to head KSDI

Khalifa Shaheen, founder of KSDI and long-established Falcon Cinefoto, announced that Hollywood director Rick Beeman has been appointed general manager of KSDI. Beeman will lead the company as it expands into the ever-growing video marketp

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