Sunday 16 June 2024
Addax Petroleum

Iraq could blacklist Sinopec after Addax deal

Iraq's Oil Ministry will blacklist China's Sinopec and prohibit it from competing in a second bidding round for oilfield tenders if it confirms its purchase of Swiss oil explorer Addax Petroleum, a senior Iraqi oil official said on Monday.


Sinopec acquires Addax

China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group) has completed the acquisition of Addax Petroleum Corporation. Sinopec had signed the acquisition agreement at an offer price of CAD52.8 per share ($47.67) on June 24. It was approved by the C


Addax Petro woos Asian suitors

Africa and Middle East-focused oil and gas firm Addax Petroleum has attracted buyout interest from major Chinese, Japanese, and Indian energy firms, according to three sources with direct knowledge of the matter. Toronto and London-listed

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