Friday 14 June 2024
energy plant

Dubai plans $544m waste-to-energy plant

Dubai Municipality plans to set up the largest plant in the Middle East to convert solid waste into energy at a cost of Dh2 billion ($544 million), a report said. The move falls in line with the national agenda to reduce the landf


Dubai plans $544m waste-to-energy plant

Dubai Municipality plans to set up the largest plant in the Middle East to convert solid waste into energy at a cost of Dh2 billion ($544 million), a report said. The move falls in line with the national agenda to reduce the landf


Bahrain plans to set up wind energy plant

Bahrain is to set up a wind energy plant to produce electricity soon, said the Oil and Gas Affairs Minister and National Oil and Gas Authority chairman Dr Abdulhussein Mirza. Dr Mirza said a Japanese company had just concluded tests o


S Korea firm to build $345m energy plant in Saudi

South Korea's state-run Kogas will invest about 400 billion won ($344.9 million) to build an energy plant in Saudi Arabia, the company said on Wednesday. Earlier in the day, the Maeil Business Newspaper cited sources at the economy min

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