Saturday 1 June 2024
Brain tumour

Vatican denies Pope brain tumor report

The Vatican on Wednesday denied an Italian media report that Pope Francis has a benign brain tumor. "The pope is carrying out his activity with his usual high level of intensity. Spreading unfounded news is gravely irresponsi


Roche drug combats children's brain tumors

An experimental drug being developed by Roche Holding AG showed promising results in a small, early stage trial involving children with medulloblastoma, the most common type of malignant brain tumor in children. The drug, GDC-0449, is part


Major study on mobile-cancer link 'inconclusive'

Experts who studied almost 13,000 cell phone users over 10 years, hoping to find out whether the mobile devices cause brain tumours, said on Sunday their research gave no clear answer. A study by the World Health Organisation's Interna


Brain cancer drug hope from frogs

A synthetic molecule based on one found in frog egg cells could potentially be used to treat brain tumours. Amphinase is a version of a molecule isolated from the egg cells of the Northern Leopard frog (Rana pipiens). UK and US s

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