Tuesday 4 June 2024

Emirates SkyCargo helps export of perishables from Vietnam

Emirates SkyCargo, the freight division of Emirates, has played a key role in strengthening trade links in perishables between Vietnam and the UAE.   Over the last year, the carrier has facilitated a near five-fold increase i


WOP Dubai to feature 15pc more exhibitors

The upcoming eighth edition of the annual International Perishables Expo Middle East (WOP Dubai) is expected to feature 235 exhibitors expected from 34 countries, representing growth of 15 per cent compared to last year. In cooper


Dubai perishables expo sees 11pc increase in visitors

The 7th edition of the International Perishables Expo Middle East (WOP Dubai), a leading exhibition for fresh edible food, which recently ended has recorded an 11 per cent increase in the number of visitors compared to the 2014 show.


Over 300 exhibitors attend Dubai’s perishables expo

More than 300 exhibitors from over 30 countries will participate in the 7th edition of the International Perishables Expo Middle East (WOP Dubai), which opened in Dubai, UAE, today. The event which is the GCC region’s only d


Expo targets perishables sector

Business opportunities and industry trends surrounding the trade of fresh edible produce will be the focus of an exhibition to be held in Dubai from November 17. The fifth edition of the three-day WOP (World of Perishables) Dubai


245 exhibitors for Dubai plants show

More than 245 exhibitors from 38 countries will showcase a wide range of innovative products and services at the IPM Dubai 2010 (International Plants Expo Middle East). Alongside the Middle East’s only event dedicated to the horticulture i

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