Tuesday 4 June 2024

Fujairah beaches cleared of oil slick

An oil spill along the coast of Fujairah has been cleared up by the Dibba Municipality and teams from various hotels across the coast. Beaches were cordoned off earlier this week as they were unsafe for guest access. The oil sp


Fujairah beaches cleared of oil slick

An oil spill along the coast of Fujairah has been cleared up by the Dibba Municipality and teams from various hotels across the coast. Beaches were cordoned off earlier this week as they were unsafe for guest access. The oil sp


BP reaches $18.7bn settlement over deadly 2010 spill

BP will pay up to $18.7 billion in penalties to the US government and five states to resolve nearly all claims from its deadly Gulf of Mexico oil spill five years ago in the largest corporate settlement in US history. The agreemen


BP 'grossly negligent' in 2010 spill, fines could be $18bn

A US judge has decided that BP Plc was "grossly negligent" and "reckless" in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill four years ago, a ruling that could add nearly $18 billion in fines to more than $42 billion in charges the company too


Expert alerts Bahrain over oil spills in Gulf

It could take up to seven years for Gulf waters to recover from any chemical or oil spill, an expert has warned during a workshop designed to ensure Bahrain is ready to cope with an environmental disaster.   The


Iran tanker safety risks rise as ship audit firms quit

Western pressure that forced foreign ship classifiers out of Iran has increased safety risks including the danger of an Iranian vessel spilling oil on another country's coast, the chief executive of Lloyd's Register said.


China shuts down oil port after spill

China has closed the Dalian Xingang oil port in its northeast, home to the country's largest oil reserve bases, after crude pipeline explosions spilt oil into the sea, but the main facilities there are undamaged. State oil major PetroC


Hurricane Alex hits Mexico, avoids oil rigs

Hurricane Alex hit the Mexican coast south of the US border on Wednesday, flooding towns far inland, but the powerful storm stayed clear of oil fields to the relief of crude markets. The Category 2 hurricane hampered efforts to control the


Spill wipes $23bn off BP, pressures debt rating

Fears oil may continue spewing into the Gulf of Mexico for another two months into the hurricane season wiped $23 billion off BP's market value on Tuesday and sent the cost of protecting its debt soaring. Once Britain's biggest com


Obama slams oil firms for spill blame game

US President Barack Obama has slammed the companies involved in a massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill as BP readied a siphoning system to contain a growing environmental disaster. Obama applied further pressure on the companies involved in th

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