Friday 14 June 2024
Cyclone Phet

Oman puts Cyclone loss at $780m

Damages from Cyclone Phet, which pummelled the Omani coastline last week and killed 21 people, could cost the Gulf Arab state over 300 million rials ($780 million), a government official said on Monday. Phet hit Oman's eastern coast last F


Cyclone Phet death toll rises to 16 in Oman

Cyclone Phet killed a total of 16 people in Oman on Friday and wounded dozens more, state television and medical staff said on Saturday. State television reported 12 dead on Saturday and a hospital doctor in Muscat, who declined to be name


12 die before Cyclone Phet leaves Oman

Despite Phet's downgrade from a category 3 to a category 1 on Friday, Cyclone Phet left 12 people dead and one missing in Oman before it took aim at Pakistan, said Omani authorities on Saturday. Among the dead were nine Omanis and thre


Oman LNG resumes production after storm closure

Oman LNG has resumed production on Saturday after it was shut down on Friday when Cyclone Phet hit Oman's coast, spokesman Nasser al-Kindy said. "Oman LNG is in the process of coming on as we speak and it will be in full operation in two h

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