Tuesday 11 June 2024
fuel subsidies

Egypt to cut fuel subsidies by 43pc

Egypt will reduce spending on fuel subsidies by nearly 43 per cent in the 2016/17 budget due mainly to lower global energy costs, officials said on Saturday. Finance Minister Amr al-Garhy told a news conference state energy subsid


Egypt earmarks $8bn for fuel subsidies

Egypt has earmarked 61 billion Egyptian pounds ($8 billion) for fuel product subsidies in the draft 2015/2016 budget, Tarek El Molla, chairman of state-run Egyptian General Petroleum Corp (EGPC), said in a statement on Saturday. T


Egypt earmarks $8bn for fuel subsidies

Egypt has earmarked 61 billion Egyptian pounds ($8 billion) for fuel product subsidies in the draft 2015/2016 budget, Tarek El Molla, chairman of state-run Egyptian General Petroleum Corp (EGPC), said in a statement on Saturday. T


Iran plans to cut fuel subsidies from Sept 23

Iran plans to cut rationed subsidised gasoline after the implementation of the country's subsidy reform plan, the official IRNA news agency quoted a senior official as saying on Sunday. Iran said last month it would start cutting gover

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