Tuesday 4 June 2024
Al Shabab

US target in Somalia plotted serial Kenya attacks

Ikrima, the militant targeted by US special forces in a failed weekend raid, is a Somali-based thinker, planner and operator who has relentlessly plotted attacks on neighbouring Kenya, intelligence services and analysts believe. K


NBK offers chance to win Mercedes

National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) will reward new customers who transfer their student allowances to a special youth account during their university registration period with a chance to win a Mercedes. This offer is valid until November, a sta


NBK backs Kuwait varsity student activities

National Bank of Kuwait (NBK), the leading bank in Kuwait, has donated a grant to Kuwait University’s college of science for student activities that are to take place this year. “Our aim is to promote their initiatives throughout the year,


NBK backs Kuwait varsity student activities

National Bank of Kuwait (NBK), the leading bank in Kuwait, has donated a grant to Kuwait University’s college of science for student activities that are to take place this year. “Our aim is to promote their initiatives throughout the year,

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