Saturday 15 June 2024
telecom towers

Telecom towers on track to hit 5m worldwide

The number of telecom towers built across the world will rise by one million to hit the 5-million milestone by 2020, a report said. Currently, there are four million telecoms towers installed in the world, and the number is growin


Telecom towers on track to hit 5m worldwide

The number of telecom towers built across the world will rise by one million to hit the 5-million milestone by 2020, a report said. Currently, there are four million telecoms towers installed in the world, and the number is growin


Mobiserve unit eyes new markets in Africa

Mobiserve Holding, a leader in turnkey telecommunication infrastructure solutions and engineering services, announced that Mobifactory, its manufacturing unit, is actively targeting African markets. The Cairo based manufacturing unit will

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