Tuesday 4 June 2024

Focus on impact of street violence on Bahraini children

Street violence and the effect it has on Bahraini children will be discussed in a sideline seminar at a major UN forum today (June 23). Bahrain Human Rights Group (BHRG) is hosting the event in Geneva to coincide with the ongoing


Bahrain police step up tyre seizure push

More than 3,000 tyres have been seized from warehouses, farms and garages in villages across Bahrain since the beginning of the year as police stepped up efforts to prevent vandals from burning tyres on the streets. Police swoops on severa


Self-immolation protest in Arab states

A self-immolation that triggered unrest which brought down Tunisia's leader has led to apparent copycat protests in other north African states, with four men setting themselves on fire in Algeria and one each in Egypt and Mauritania. I


Obama warns Koran burning will boost Al Qaeda

US President Barack Obama warned on Thursday that a Florida pastor's plan to burn copies of the Koran is being used as an Al Qaeda recruitment tool and he urged the pastor to reconsider the decision. "This is a recruitment bonanza for Al Q

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