Sunday 2 June 2024
Saudi crude

Saudi crude exports fall in April despite high output

Saudi Arabia's crude oil exports in April fell despite high production levels, while more crude was used domestically for power generation and to feed rising demand from local refineries. Crude exports in April fell to 7.444 m


Saudi oil output likely to stay high in summer

Saudi Arabian crude production is likely to remain at around recent output levels during the summer months on high domestic demand, a Gulf Opec delegate told Reuters on Tuesday. The world's top oil exporter said it pumped 10.5


Chinese refiner buys extra 1m barrel Saudi crude

At least one Chinese refiner has bought one million barrels of Arab Light crude for December on top of its contract volume from top oil exporter Saudi Arabia, an industry source said on Monday. Saudi Arabia will supply full contracted volu


Saudi exported 7.7mbpd of crude in June

Saudi Arabia's crude oil exports rose to at least 7.7 million barrels per day (bpd) when output by the world's largest oil exporter hit record highs in June, an industry source said on Tuesday. A senior Opec Gulf delegate told Reut


Top Indian refiner seeks more Saudi crude

India's Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) will ask Saudi Arabia for extra crude in August, a source at the state-run refiner said following others in the energy-hungry Asian giant who have grasped the Opec member's offer


Yemen refinery resumes trial production

Yemen's Aden refinery, shut for nearly two months following a blast that damaged the country's main oil pipeline, will resume production after receiving a shipment of Saudi-donated crude, a refinery official told Reuters on Monday. "The re


Japan buys Saudi crude from Showa Shell

State-run Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (Jogmec) bought Saudi Arab Extra Light crude for Japan's national reserves from Showa Shell Sekiyu via a tender, industry sources said on Wednesday. Jogmec, which had sought 1.25

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