Saturday 1 June 2024
Al Khaleej Development Company

Tameer plans $250m infrastructure boost

The Al Khaleej Development Company (Tameer) is investing $250 million (BD94.5 million) in developing infrastructure at the Bahrain Investment Wharf (BIW), it was revealed. Tameer chairman Sameer Al Nafisi said it would bear the costs and c


Tameer to trim Seef tower height

Al Khaleej Development Company (Tameer), the developers of a proposed 72-storey tower in Seef, have agreed to reduce its height by a quarter in a bid to reverse a council decision to block the project. The Manama Municipal Council gave dev


Bahrain Investment Wharf 'on schedule'

The Bahrain Investment Wharf (BIW) project is on track, BIW chief Muhannad Al Durra said as Industry and Commerce Minister Dr Hassan Fakhro visited the project site. Work on the roads and sewerage networks have progressed by 50 and 70 per


Bahrain business park tender delayed

The tender process for the construction of a $135 million business park within the Bahrain Investment Wharf (BIW) has been delayed in anticipation of cheaper construction costs, it has emerged. The Al Khaleej Development Company (Tameer) w


Tameer now an Inovest subsidiary

Al Khaleej Development Company (Tameer) announced its official transformation into Inovest, a Bahraini-based Sharia-compliant investment company. Company vice-chairman and managing director Ahmed Rashid Al Qattan said the transformation co


BIW to develop Hidd industrial project

A key agreement has been signed for the development and running of a BD600 million industrial investment project in Hidd. Al Khaleej Development Company (Tameer), which acquired 170 hectares of land from the government for development in D

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