Monday 3 June 2024
US wheat

Iraq excludes US wheat from supply tender

The Iraqi Grain Board has issued an international tender to purchase at least 50,000 tonnes of wheat from any origin excluding the United States and Romania, European traders said. Shipment dates were not given. Bidding deadline was Februa


Iraq excludes US wheat from supply tender

The Iraqi Grain Board has issued an international tender to purchase at least 50,000 tonnes of wheat from any origin excluding the United States and Romania, European traders said. Shipment dates were not given. Bidding deadline was Februa


US wheat at 5-month top on Australia floods

US wheat futures started 2011 with a new five-month high on Monday as floods in Australia hampered grain shipments and reinforced the global supply concerns that had sent grain markets surging last year. In 2010 Chicago wheat posted its fi


US exporters sell 100,000 T wheat to Iraq

Private exporters have reported sale of 100,000 tonnes of US hard red winter wheat to Iraq for delivery during 2010/11, according to data released by the US Agriculture Department. Besides this, exporters have also sold 150,000 t

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