Tuesday 4 June 2024

Arab League raps Syria again; no call on UN for now

The Arab League has urged the Syrian government to end its violence against protesters and allow League monitors in the country to work more freely, but stopped short of asking the UN to help.      The arrival las


Arab League raps Syria again; no call on UN for now

The Arab League has urged the Syrian government to end its violence against protesters and allow League monitors in the country to work more freely, but stopped short of asking the UN to help.      The arrival las


Bahrain unrest takes toll on economy

Protesters inflicted devastating harm on Bahrain's economy at the height of the unrest, with 97 per cent of local businesses badly affected and 84.6 per cent reported loss of income. The Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) cond


Protesters urge civilian post-Mubarak era

Pro-democracy activists in Cairo's Tahrir Square vowed on Saturday to stay there until the Higher Military Council now running Egypt after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak accepts their agenda for democratic reform. Crowds celebrated in

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