Saturday 27 July 2024

9 killed in India steel plant blast

Nine people have been killed and several injured in an explosion at a steel plant in India's Chhattisgarh state, according to media reports. The injured, most of whom are reportedly critical, have been rushed to a local hospital,


Blast hits NY city subway, man arrested

A 27-year-old man was in custody on Monday after detonating an explosive device on the New York City subway during the morning commute. The suspect, Akayed Ullah, was one of four people injured in the explosion, which occurred at


BLAST HORROR: 19 killed in Manchester

At least 19 people have been killed and more than 50 injured in a suspected terror attack at Manchester Arena in Manchester, UK, following a major concert. The blast happened at 22:35 BST on Monday following a pop concert by the U


Huge explosion near Damascus airport

A large explosion has hit an area near Syria's Damascus international airport, a BBC report quoting a monitoring group said. "The blast was


10 killed in St Petersburg metro blast

At least 10 people were killed in an explosion in the metro system of St Petersburg, Russia, today, according to preliminary information, Russian news agency Tass said. The explosion was inside a metro train at the Sennaya Square statio


Over 50 killed in Mozambique fuel tanker blast

At least 56 people have been killed and 108 injured in a fuel tanker explosion in western Mozambique, said a report, citing officials. The circumstances of the blast on Thursday afternoon in the village of Caphirizanje in Tete pro


12 killed in Kenya hotel blast

At least 12 people were killed when attackers belw up up part of a hotel in the northeastern Kenya's Mandera area on Tuesday, reports said. The raid has been claimed by Al Shabaab militants from neighboring Somalia, a Reuters


New York shaken by 'intentional' blast; 29 hurt

An explosion rocked the bustling Chelsea district of Manhattan on Saturday night, injuring at least 29 people in what authorities described as a deliberate, criminal act, while saying investigators had turned up no evidence of a "terror con


Thai police name suspect in deadly blasts

Police identified a Thai man on Friday as a suspect in their investigation into attacks that killed four people and wounded dozens in a wave of bombings in Thailand's south a week ago. Deputy national police spokesman Kissana


Bomb-carrying Syrian dies outside German festival

A 27-year-old Syrian man denied asylum in Germany a year ago died on Sunday when he set off a bomb outside a crowded music festival in Bavaria, the fourth violent attack in Germany in less than a week, a senior Bavarian state official said.

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