Tuesday 4 June 2024
IT Systems

Mawarid aims to lead MEA digital services market

Mawarid Technology, one of the UAE’s first home-grown technology platforms,  aims to lead the way in the Middle East and Africa markets in digital and smart government services, as well as high-value, customised systems, said the comp


Iran oil ministry 'fends off' cyber attack

The Iranian oil ministry said on Tuesday its IT systems had suffered no lasting damage from a suspected cyber attack, but its experts would require two or three days to investigate and address the impact of the virus. The virus hit the int


Yanbu college studies PMU’s IT system

A delegation from the Yanbu Industrial College visited Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU) recently to get acquainted with the information technology which PMU has adopted for its academic programs. The delegation, Yanbu Industrial C


Lockheed Martin 'thwarts cyber attack'

Lockheed Martin Corp, the US government's top information technology provider, said it detected and thwarted "a significant and tenacious attack" on its information systems network one week ago. "As a result of the swift and deliberate act

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