Thursday 13 June 2024
Arabic version

Apple releases first Arabic version of Siri

Apple has released a version of its virtual personal assistant Siri for Arabic speakers in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, potentially making its iPhones more attractive in a largely affluent market of more than 30 million people. The m


Apple releases first Arabic version of Siri

Apple on Tuesday released a version of its virtual personal assistant Siri for Arabic speakers in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, potentially making its iPhones more attractive in a largely affluent market of more than 30 million people.


Apple releases first Arabic version of Siri

Apple on Tuesday released a version of its virtual personal assistant Siri for Arabic speakers in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, potentially making its iPhones more attractive in a largely affluent market of more than 30 million people.


LinkedIn launches Arabic version of site

LinkedIn, one of the world’s largest professional network on the Internet with more than 347 million members, has launched the Arabic version of its site. The Middle East and North Africa (Mena) is a fast growing region for


Arabic report of Bahrain unrest withdrawn

An Arabic version of a historic report into Bahrain's unrest has been withdrawn after it emerged it was different to the official English copy. The Arabic version is now being corrected and is expected to be reissued next week. Eag

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