Tuesday 4 June 2024
IT professionals

Mobile growth, cyberattacks drive new hiring in UAE

Consumer shift to mobile, evolving web technologies and increasing cyber threats are driving businesses across the UAE to hire new talent for their rapidly changing IT needs, a report said. Demand for information security professi


Mideast tops world in cyber security priority

More than half of business and government leaders in the Mena region identify cyber security as a strategic priority, compared to only 23 per cent in the US and 36 per cent in UK/Europe, a report said. Boards of directors in 35 pe


Tecom, EMC team up to groom IT professionals

Tecom Investments, a diversified conglomerate, and EMC Corporation, a leader in information infrastructure, have teamed up to work on a programme designed to help prepare future IT professionals for successful careers. Under the Memorandum

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