Monday 3 June 2024

15 GCC women take part in Oman mountain trek

A total of 15 women from across the GCC countries took part in a recent trek to the summit of Jebel Shams in the Western Hajar mountain range of Oman. The two-day trek, which concluded in Muscat, was organised by the Oman Ministry


Samsung, Trek deal to offer better cycling experience

Samsung Electronics has partnered with Trek Bicycle, to provide a better cycling experience for racers and casual cyclists, and support their healthy lifestyles and enjoyment of the sport.   Under the partnership


Bahrain group plans Himalayan trek

A team of 11 men and women from Bahrain is planning a weeklong expedition through the Annapurna mountain range in the Himalayas during February and March. They are flying into Nepal's capital Kathmandu on February 28 before starting the Pu

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