Monday 3 June 2024

Bahrain showcase for tolerance expo

An exhibition promoting cultural diversity and showcasing Bahrain’s religious tolerance will now be held in Bahrain. The international roadshow “This is Bahrain” was part of a US tour organised by the Bahrain Federation of Ex


Elaf Group to promote Saudi tourism

The Elaf Group of Companies, a leading provider of travel, tourism and hospitality services, will launch its series of strategic marketing tours to select countries across continents in a bid to further boost Saudi Arabia’s growing tourism


‘Peace ribbons’ call to mark religious festival in Bahrain

People of all faiths are being invited to tie peace ribbons to a 300kg steel globe being erected in Manama as part of this year’s Ashoora activities. Work on the structure, which will feature a steel dove and olive branches, began last n


Bahrain set to be showcased in US

An international roadshow is set to showcase Bahrain’s religious tolerance, cultural diversity and reforms for the first time in the US. More than 200 delegates representing numerous Bahraini organisations including community figures, NG


Saudi plays down Hamas leaders’ visit

Saudi Arabia has played down the significance of a visit by Hamas leaders, saying it was only a religious pilgrimage and Riyadh’s position on the Palestinian Islamist movement was unchanged. “There was no (political) v


Call on restriction of religious processions in Bahrain

Restrictions on religious processions set to take place next week in Bahrain could be enforced in the wake of terror threats. The Jaffari Waqf (Endowments) Directorate urged participants to take precautionary measures and forgo th


‘This Is Bahrain’ roadshow to be held in Paris

A multi-faith group of Bahrainis and expatriates will showcase the country’s religious tolerance in France next week. “This Is Bahrain”, a series of international roadshows that commenced in May last year, is due


Egypt replaces interior minister to combat extremism

Egypt replaced its interior minister with a retired general who has experience combating religious extremism as the country fights radical Islamist militants seeking to topple the Cairo government. Egypt has been grappling with ri


Weapons seized from religious centre in Bahrain

Religious buildings face closer scrutiny after police announced weapons had been recovered from a Shi'ite community centre, which went up in flames during clashes on February 14. The Abu Baham Ma'atam, in Sehla, caught fir


Bahraini roadshow group set to form society

Organisers of a roadshow promoting Bahrain's religious tolerance and culture will unite to form a society. It will continue roaming the world to showcase Bahrain's culture, but as a registered society comprising Bahrainis

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