Sunday 2 June 2024
budget gap

Oman plans $2.5bn sukuk to plug budget gap

Oman's ministry of finance said on Saturday it had commissioned five international banks to arrange the issue of two dollar-denominated sukuk totaling $2.5 billion to help plug a budget deficit. The bonds will consist of a $1


Kuwait's central bank may act if budget gap isn't cut

Kuwait's central bank governor has warned that authorities may have to change monetary policy if the government does not act urgently to cut a budget deficit caused by low oil prices. Mohammad Al Hashel said the legislative an


Saudi foreign assets fall $6.6bn on move to cover deficit

Net foreign assets at Saudi Arabia's central bank fell by $6.6 billion in August as the kingdom liquidated assets to cover a budget gap caused by cheap oil, official data showed on Monday. The central bank, which serves as the


Egyptians have to work hard to shrink budget gap

Egypt revised its budget deficit for the 2011/12 fiscal year sharply higher and its finance minister told Egyptians they would have to work harder to help plug this big gap between spending and revenue. The deficit was 170 billion


Dubai sukuk 'enough to manage budget gap'

Proceeds from Dubai's new $1.25 billion, two-tranche Islamic bond provide enough funds for the emirate to manage its budget deficits and refinancing plans, a senior government official said. Dubai priced on Wednesday a $600 million 5-y

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