Tuesday 4 June 2024

Protectionism may lead to stronger dollar, lower oil prices

The Trump administration in the US is about change the geopolitical oil chessboard in many more ways. Protectionist policies may lead to stronger dollar and lower oil prices, says a Bank of America Merrill Lynch report. So far, oi


WTO cuts 2013 trade forecast on protectionist fear

The World Trade Organization slashed its forecast for trade growth in 2013 on Wednesday, saying it feared protectionism was on the increase. It cut its forecast for global trade growth in 2013 to 3.3 percent from 4.5 percent and s


Saudi warns protectionism may worsen crisis

Saudi Arabia's finance minister warned against protectionism as G20 leaders gathered in London for a summit, saying in a newspaper report that restricting imports from emerging markets could worsen the global crisis. G20 leaders pledged at


Experts focus on threats of protectionism

The prevailing global economic slowdown is fuelling the rise of protectionism in Western economies, according to chairman, Lloyd’s, UK, Lord Levene. In a plenary discussion on global risks at the World Economic Forum (WEF) on East Asia, he


US, China agree to fight protectionism

The United States and China agreed they need to take steps to boost growth and keep their economies in balance, US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said on Thursday. 'We also both recognise the need to fight economic nationalism and protec


Be vigilant about SWFs, says US

A senior US official has expressed concern over the recent rapid increase in the number and asset size of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). “Despite the clear benefits of open investment policies, there is rising protectionist sentiment globa


Developed nations urged to shun protectionism

Investment protectionism is a barrier to global economic growth and developed nations should avoid this practice, said one of the top Gulf businessmen. “The United States and members of the European Union should instead do their best to cr

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