Monday 3 June 2024
Abu Dhabi hotels

Abu Dhabi hotel guests up 13pc in August

A total of 426,912 guests stayed at Abu Dhabi’s 166 hotels and hotel apartments in August, marking a rise of 13 per cent over the same month last year, according to figures released by the Department of Culture and Tourism.


Abu Dhabi receives 2.6m hotel guests in 7 months

Abu Dhabi hotels welcomed up to 2.6 million guests during the first seven months of 2017, with a 4 per cent uplift recorded this month compared to July, according to figures released by Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority (TCA).


Abu Dhabi hotel guests up 28pc in H1

More than 1.7 million guests checked into Abu Dhabi’s hotels and hotel apartments during the first six months of the year, marking a 28 per cent up lift on the first half of 2013, according to figures released by Abu Dhabi Tourism & Cu


Abu Dhabi hotels get big boost from incentive trip

Around 6,000 members of a major Chinese incentive trip stayed in 16 hotels in Abu Dhabi recently, delivering 12,500 nights to the destination, according to a report from Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority (TCA Abu Dhabi). I

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