Saturday 1 June 2024

Saudi Arabia implementing 80 megaprojects

More than 80 megaprojects, each worth at least $1 billion, are under way or planned for completion by 2030 in Saudi Arabia, according to a new report. This makes the kingdom the Middle East’s largest megaproject market by a wide m


Saudi Arabia implementing 80 megaprojects

More than 80 megaprojects, each worth at least $1 billion, are under way or planned for completion by 2030 in Saudi Arabia, according to a new report. This makes the kingdom the Middle East’s largest megaproject market by a wide m


80 mega-projects coming up in Saudi Arabia

More than 80 mega-projects, each worth at least $1 billion, are under way or planned for completion by 2030 in Saudi Arabia, according to a new report. This makes the kingdom the Middle East’s largest mega-project market by a wide

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