Tuesday 4 June 2024
Wind projects

Tunisia to issue tender for $1bn solar, wind projects

Tunisian government is set to launch an international tender for the construction of solar and wind renewable power plants worth TD2.5 billion ($1.03 billion) by the end of this month, said a report citing the country's Prime Minister.&nbs


Tunisia to issue tender for $1bn solar, wind projects

Tunisian government is set to launch an international tender for the construction of solar and wind renewable power plants worth TD2.5 billion ($1.03 billion) by the end of this month, said a report citing the country's Prime Minister.&nbs


Tunisia to issue tender for $1bn solar, wind projects

Tunisian government is set to launch an international tender for the construction of solar and wind renewable power plants worth TD2.5 billion ($1.03 billion) by the end of this month, said a report citing the country's Prime Minister.&nbs


ABB, Aibel partner for offshore wind projects

ABB, a pioneering technology leader in electrification products, industrial automation and power grids, said it has  sealed a strategic partnership with Aibel, a Norwegian engineering group playing a key role in the oil, gas and renewable e


ABB, Aibel partner for offshore wind projects

ABB, a pioneering technology leader in electrification products, industrial automation and power grids, said it has  sealed a strategic partnership with Aibel, a Norwegian engineering group playing a key role in the oil, gas and renewable e


ABB, Aibel partner for offshore wind projects

ABB, a pioneering technology leader in electrification products, industrial automation and power grids, said it has  sealed a strategic partnership with Aibel, a Norwegian engineering group playing a key role in the oil, gas and renewable e

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