Saturday 1 June 2024

New multi-storey car parks ... a boon for both visitors and residents.

Bahrain to build two multi-storey car parks

MANAMA, March 26, 2015

Bahrain's Ministry of works has announced plans to build two multi-storey car parks at either end of one of the busiest thoroughfares in capital Manama following widespread complaints of traffic jams .

Exhibition Avenue, in Hoora, is known for its bustling nightlife, pedestrians, shops and traffic.

Following numerous complaints from residents and visitors alike of congestion on the busy road, the Capital Trustees Board has now directed the Works, Municipalities and Urban Planning Affairs Ministry to build car parks on suitable plots of land at both ends of the road, reported the Gulf Daily News, our sister publication.

Board chairman Mohammed Al Khozaae, fresh from a tour of the site said that only two locations would be selected at first, taking into account the available funds and limited space.

"We are trying to solve a problem and not create another one," stated Al Khozaae.

"I understand that queuing will continue as people wait to enter the two car parks, but there will be less waiting time overall. Most of the traffic jams now are caused by drivers looking for somewhere to park, which sees them moving slowly as they seek an opening in alleys or on the pavement," he added.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Bahrain | car parks |

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