Tuesday 4 June 2024

Al-Hour ...noted trainer and consultant.

Bedaya workshop studies impact of personality on skills

DOHA, July 30, 2016

The Bedaya Center for Entrepreneurship and Career Development, a joint initiative by Qatar Development Bank and Silatech, recently hosted a workshop on 'Personality & Individual Differences and Impact on Professional skills'.

Held on July 27 at St. Regis Hotel, the workshop focused on how personality determinants affect professional skills.

The day-long workshop, conducted by eminent internationally accredited financial analyst and soft skills trainer Dr Abdel Rahim Al-Hour, evoked good response from people from all walks of life.
Dr Al-Hour has been a consultant to a variety of corporations, utilities, and government agencies in the finance industry and has given more than 3,000 live interviews to a number of Arabic Satellite TV channels.

In his present role as general manager of Hi Tech Training Centre, Dr Al-Hour is responsible for the overall performance and management of the center.

Dr. Al-Hour explained that there exists a strong connection between personality and professional skills.

Reem Al-Sowaidi, general manager of Bedaya Center, said: “This workshop was aimed at welcoming all those interested in the subject of organisational  behaviour and its co-relation to professional skills. Moreover, companies hire people with the expectation that individuals come with certain skills, abilities, personalities, and values. Therefore, it is important to understand individual characteristics that matter for employee behaviours at work." - TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Qatar | Workshop | Bedaya |

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