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Educational technology to be highlighted at Saudi event

RIYADH, December 27, 2016

Leading experts in the education sector will discuss the benefits, challenges and opportunities of implementing educational technology in the GCC region, at an upcoming event in Saudi Arabia.

The New Age Education Summit, organised by UMS Conferences, will be held on May 8 and 9, in Riyadh.

Experts will present case studies, conduct live product demonstrations and share success stories, said a statement.

The educational sector is one of the largest markets in the GCC. Education expenditure accounts for 19.5 per cent of the total public expenditure in the region, exceeding the global average of 14.6 per cent, it said.

In a bid to raise the educational standards and keep up with current trends, governments across the GCC are backing the introduction of educational technology such as e-learning in classrooms, it added.

E-learning has been proven to cut instruction time for teachers by 60 per cent. It also increases the retention rate among students significantly. E-learning platforms have consequently been made mandatory in most schools across the GCC.

The New Age Education Summit will feature a distinguished panel of industry experts who will cover critical issues such as the transition from high school to college, the difference between digital natives and digital immigrants, how to select and train teachers and the technological practices adopted by top universities across the globe.

It will provide delegates with the opportunity to collaborate with prospective clients, increase their brand’s visibility and network with the key influencers and decision makers that shape the educational industry in the GCC. - TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Saudi Arabia | | technology | educational |

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