Saturday 27 July 2024

The Premier visiting Alba's stand at GIF 2016

Bahrain PM visits Alba stand at Gulf Industry Fair

MANAMA, February 9, 2016

Bahrain's Prime Minister HRH Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa today (February 9) visited the Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) stand at the ongoing Gulf Industry Fair (GIF) 2016, in Bahrain.

The fair was inaugurated by the Premier earlier today, at the Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Centre.

The event will conclude on February 11.

The Premier, accompanied by VIP guests and dignitaries, was welcomed by Alba’s chairman of board of directors, Shaikh Daij bin Salman bin Daij Al Khalifa and the executive management at the Alba stand.

Shaikh Daij presented HRH the Premier with a model of Alba smelter and HRH’s portrait made from Alba’s aluminium and by its employees. The model also included pictures of the Premier from Alba’s library that highlight his continuous support to Alba’s growth since its establishment in 1971 till to date, said a statement from the company.

Shaikh Daij said: “I would like to extend my utmost thanks and appreciation to HRH the Premier for his generous and continuous contribution towards the growth of aluminium industry in Bahrain and the GCC region.

“Today, our company is genuinely honoured to receive HRH and we are grateful for HRH’s instrumental support that made Alba one of the leading aluminium smelters in the world. Also, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for HRH's continuous support for Alba's Line 6 Expansion Project, which will make Alba the largest single-site smelter in the world by 2019 with a production capacity of 1.45 million metric tonnes,” he added. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: | Bahrain | Alba | Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa | Gulf Industry Fair | Prime Minister |

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