Monday 3 June 2024

Oil majors snub Venezuela

Caracas , June 24, 2007

Some oil majors have rejected Venezuela's terms for the takeover of their multi-billion dollar projects and can leave the Opec nation, President Hugo Chavez said.

The decision has come days before a deadline for the oil firms to strike nationalisation deals ended.

Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, Chevron Corp, Norway's Statoil, Britain's BP and France's Total are the targeted companies in projects valued above $30 billion and capable of producing 600,000 barrels per day.

'It seems there are some transnational companies that do not want to accept (the terms),' said Chavez, who met his energy minister to review the progress in negotiations.

'Well if they do not want (to accept the terms), I told the minister to tell them they can go, that they should leave, that we, in truth, do not need them,' he added during a political speech to swear in the government's new 'central planning committee.'

Chavez who is on a drive to nationalise swathes of the economy this year, did not say which companies rejected the government's terms.

Venezuela has said Conoco is providing the most resistance to its plan to take at least 60 per cent in four projects in the massive Orinoco oil belt, up from the state company's current average of around 40 per cent.

Exxon's negotiations also have been more difficult than those of the four other companies, according to industry sources with knowledge of the talks.

Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez also said he knew which companies would leave due to the takeovers, although he did not name them. He has said he expects the bulk of the group of six to stay on.

The government has set a Tuesday deadline for the companies - some of the world's largest - to agree to the terms of takeover of their assets in one of the planet's biggest oil reserves.

Those companies that fail to reach an agreement can choose to take Venezuela to court to seek to recover compensation for the loss of their assets.   

Tags: Oil firms | Venezuela | Deadline |


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