Saturday 27 July 2024

Microsoft demonstrates power of AI, cloud at Adipec

ABU DHABI, November 13, 2018

Microsoft has demonstrated the power of digital transformation to the region’s oil and gas industry, as the company participated in the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (Adipec) 2018.

Hosted by Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc), under the patronage of President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Adipec 2018 expects to welcome 110,000 patrons at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, ADNEC, from November 12 to 15.

Microsoft’s theme at this year’s event is 'Empowering Oil and Gas with AI'. The company’s booth is dedicated to showcasing solutions around artificial intelligence, AI, and Internet of Things, IoT, and highlight how they can enable digital transformation within the industry – the means to engage customers, empower employees, optimise operations and reinvent business processes and services.

Microsoft experts demonstrated Azure IoT Edge capabilities in action allowing energy companies to extend cloud intelligence and analytics, and bring these innovations to edge devices in the field. The platform allows the containerisation of cloud workloads such as Azure Cognitive Services, Machine Learning and Stream Analytics to run locally, on devices ranging from a Raspberry Pi to an industrial gateway.

"Microsoft’s mission is to empower every individual and organisation on the planet to achieve more," said Omar Saleh, director Manufacturing and Resources, Middle East and Africa. "Artificial intelligence comes together with cloud and edge computing to allow real-time, agile, decision-making support regardless of location. Devices, software and communications technology act as participants in a single, intelligent, harmonious ecosystem that allows organisations to plan, react and optimize in smarter ways. We are proud to bring these capabilities exhibited in solutions and showcases to Adipec 2018."

"AI, leveraging of the intelligent cloud and edge computing, empowers efficiencies that provide distinctive competitive advantage for operators; these manifest in better reservoir characterisation, optimised drilling, reduced downtime, and safer operations to mention a few,” added Saleh. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Microsoft | adipec | Cloud | Ai |

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