Sunday 2 June 2024

Bid to smuggle drugs in greeting cards foiled

Dubai, December 28, 2010

Dubai Customs officials have foiled a bid to smuggle in 1,751 gm of marijuana and cocaine into the UAE hidden inside parcels containing Christmas cards.

Omar Ahmed Al Muhairi, senior manager of Air Cargo Operations at Dubai Customs, said that Customs inspectors at Dubai Cargo Village suspected foul play as the parcels sent from an Asian country were meant for delivery at another Asian country via Dubai.

'On careful inspection, the Customs team found a herbal material hidden skilfully inside the parcels. Further examinations by the technical support department, special unit and support division confirmed beyond doubt that the herb was indeed a narcotic,' explained Al Muhairi.

He pointed out that a record 39 attempts had been made this year to smuggle narcotics hidden inside greeting cards.

The case has been referred to the General Department of Combating Narcotics for further legal action, he added.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Dubai Customs | Drugs | greeting cards | cocaine |

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