Thursday 13 June 2024

Bahrain to hike Mumtaz petrol price by 20pc

Manama, January 12, 2011

There is a proposal to increase the price of 'Mumtaz' fuel in Bahrain by 20 per cent, a top official told our sister newspaper Gulf Daily News (GDN).

The proposal, which is now being discussed in government circles, could take effect within next few weeks, said the official, who requested anonymity.

'While the price of the 95 octane Mumtaz may increase from 100 fils to 120 fils per litre, the price of the 91 octane Jayyid fuel will remain at 80 fils,' he said.

'However, there are plans to enhance the quality of Jayyid fuel and make it more combustible with less wax and carbon deposits on engines,' he said.

'This will make most people switch to Jayyid fuel because its quality will improve, while it remains at the present 91 octane.'

The official said this increase, if it takes effect, will be the first time in 28 years.

'The last time the increase took place was in 1982 when the price of fuel increased by 100 per cent.

'Nowhere else in the world, including in Bahrain's neighbouring countries, are fuel prices so low.'

He said the enhanced Jayyid would mean at least 60 per cent of Bahrain's vehicles would be able to use it without any problems or complications.

'The only vehicles that would still probably need to run on Mumtaz would be high-performance and larger vehicles that need higher engine rpm.'

Bapco chief executive Faisal Al Mahroos confirmed the company was getting ready to produce enhanced quality Jayyid.

'We have already started the legwork and the new fuel should be available in the next two to three months.'

He said producing the new fuel was part of Bapco's policy to introduce cleaner and greener fuels in the country.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Bahrain | Bapco | Petrol prices | Mumtaz fuel | octane Jayyid |

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